
Children's Ministry


In creating programs that allow our youngest members to find a place where they can say “This is where I belong,” we build and cement relationships within the church community that are much stronger and emotional, thus longer lasting. Our goal is to work together to identify areas of need, excitement and opportunity and establish foundational programs to address these needs.



Learn to Play Ukulele


A tiny phenomenon and pop culture sensation, the ukulele has proven to get more kids into the groove than any other instrument in the last five years.  Even our smallest students will have the opportunity to learn to play the ukulele, read chord charts and even be introduced to songwriting.

This Learn to Play Ukulele Bundle comes with everything you'll need to teach and to learn - in no time at all! Complete concert sized Tanglewood ukulele with colorful strings, a full color 32-page method book, a sturdy carrying case/storage case, KORG clip-on tuner, you'll be playing, singing and dancing with even your youngest kiddos in no time.


Learn to Play Ukulele Bundle





KORG microKEY Controllers

Whether you are looking to make beats or compose the music for your Christmas musical, KORG microKEYs are the perfect solution for budding musicians. With an easy plug-and-play set up and no software downloads required, kids of any age will be comfortable playing these keys. The KORG microKEY is the perfect partner to and computer, laptop or mobile device with a wide variety of software options and apps!



littleBits Synth Kit

littleBits Synth Kit

The littleBits synth kit is an incredibly powerful, easy to use modular synthesizer that helps you unleash your inner rockstar. The Synth Kit, developed in partnership with KORG, a pioneer of electronic musical equipment, enables amateur and professional musicians to easily explore the iconic synthesizer instrument. This allows you to make exciting new sounds and build your own infinitely customizable and expandable analog modular instrument - all with little to no engineering or musical knowledge. The Synth Kit includes an assortment of 12 electronic Bits that instantly snap together with magnets to create circuits like those used in Korg's famous analog synthesizers.

  • Kit includes 12 Bits like the speaker, oscillator and keyboard to help you create sweet beats
  • Includes booklet of 10 projects and with hundreds more online
  • Connects to speakers, computers, headphones, and any instrument with an output jack for an amplifier
  • Can be used to make your own instruments, like a synth-guitar
  • Fits into the littleBits platform for infinite combos of audio, visual and sensory experiences




To have a Worship Specialist contact you about how KORG can help you Find Your Sound, Contact us today!

